Starting Again and Again

I can’t believe it has been so long since I have logged in here!  I love the blog’s look and I am still seeking a place to just share what is on my mind and in my heart, but I have allowed work and play to keep me from this space.  And that is what I am craving now: space.

There is so much busy-ness in the world today that I am eager for my quiet time in my Creative Cottage, surrounded by loving people who support me and love me.  I am grateful for all of them.  I am grateful for these 3 cats who have adopted me and show up to make sure I show up and live my commitments.

Lately I have been out of balance in a couple of areas of my life and have been working to restore the energy and redirect the focus so that I am truly living a life worth loving.  It’s what I do for and with my clients and it is fun to give myself the same coaching and to do the work to have nothing less than a good life.  For heaven’s sake, I survived a tornado!  I think that means I should do everything in my power to have a good life.

Part of that is regular writing.  And so this blog will help me remember that and live it.  I commit to writing a couple of times a week and sharing the thoughts that make me ‘me’.  I hope you’ll share some of yours and together we can move forward on this journey of life and hold each other accountable for living it fully!

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